Friday, February 5, 2010

Describe Metallic Taste

Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp

Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp

"Think only of the pain caused to the victim must have the constant rubbing of the bands of restraint on the wound that had left wrist, deep to the flesh. " The order the investigating judge of Vallo della Lucania, Nicholas Morrone, is fierce as the charges that the prosecutors move to 14 health care professionals under investigation for kidnapping, death or injury. The image of Francis Mastrogiovanni that comes out of the camera is filming from the hospital by court order is that of "a man in obvious respiratory distress and suffering," so dead for pulmonary edema, as evidenced by medical records are seized, but 'linked to the state of forced immobility which was forced. " The picture, however, that comes out of the hospital's department of psychiatry at St. Luke looks like a concentration camp where "it is common practice to treat patients. The figure for doctors, finally, is almost desecrated "the abusive conduct was carried out in the difficulty of relying on social problems of patients and the opportunity to plead their lack of credibility, because suffering from psychiatric illness." Instead, the films speak for themselves. Mastrogiovanni, as well as another patient G. M, would be tied to the bed throughout the period of stay "even if not aggressive. Nor was fed or made her drink. " For the investigating judge, Mastrogiovanni did not refuse food or medical care, nor the injections, as is verbalized in the medical hospital. The judiciary reconstructs the last days of the teacher. At 12:15 of August 1, Mastrogiovanni arrives at the hospital by ambulance and placed on the bed of the department. "Up to 12:41 is conscious, does not appear aggressive - according to the order for suspension of doctors and nurses - at 12:45 and is undergoing medical treatment becoming a syringe injected intramuscularly. At 12.55 is so quiet that you prepare your own bed and eat the food provided by the hospital. And 'the last time he will be allowed to eat, because it lies on the bed at 13:08 and remains quiet until the moment when he will be the bands of restraint. From that moment will not be untied, nor will be provided food and water, and this until the time of his death. " In a "disturbing sequela of abuse," concludes the investigating judge.

Angela Cappetta news from Cilento


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