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Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpA: the business of Civil Protection.
January 25, 2010 2 Comments
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsalt triumphantly to the throne of Emperor of all the contracts with the decree, which was launched last week by the Council of Ministers and now in the Senate, that "privatization" of Civil Protection of the nation, transforming it into a spa Other than the hierarchy of ministers drawn from his mentor officially Gianni Letta.
Bertolaso, MD, Secretary to the Prime Minister and Head of the Department of Civil Protection, made the scale of the order of protocol in terms of overcoming not only real power Frattini, Maroni and Alfano, the top three rankings lettiana, but also Giulio Tremonti, the guardian of the purse strings. Why can spend as it wants an unspecified number of billions of euro without any public control, authorization or statement and, if necessary, with the classified, as was the case for the G8 was scheduled to the island of La Maddalena and was eventually transferred to L'Aquila earthquake. You can spend
ad libitum Bertolaso, not only due to landslides, fires and earthquakes, but any "Big Event" is deemed worthy, the boundaries of the Republic and the Orb terraqueous, an "emergency decree".
ministries remain silent under the heel of Tremonti and the Court of Auditors has put his mind at rest. The controls are off limits.
Already dubbed "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpa" between the senators from all parties who are examining the decree, the Civil Protection Services Spa "becomes de facto if not the greatest, certainly the most self- Contracting Entity of the Republic, with an almost total exemption to the traditional rules of law for the funds in transit from Palazzo Chigi, and intended for different purposes: from cycling races, the celebration of saints, the State party to the Pope's trip, swimming pools the landfill, traffic of gondolas on the lagoon in the races, from luxury hotels to the scenarios of cardboard for international summits. Like that - riot of kitsch edited by Berlusconi himself - that made her smile, ministers agreed to the NATO-Russia summit at Pratica di Mare. To go soon to the management of Milan Expo in 2015 and the Olympics of 2020 disputes between Rome and Venice, and that Berlusconi wants to read in the hands of Bertolaso.
A car power so overwhelming to move further from the headquarters of ministries and of course the European Parliament and of the supervisory authorities to the Chigi Palace bar of the real power of the company & Bertolaso \u200b\u200bBerlusconi, who under the wing of the noble Gentleman of His Holiness John Letta, culture has made a science of the emergency power infinitely more sophisticated than that of the First Republic, which provided complex "domes" for the division of honor, power and wealth, perhaps through the securities in which the funds were converted blacks IRI, which the Secretary has direct knowledge Letta, having collected at the time a share of around one billion and a half pounds. Sunday, February 7, 2010
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mistaken who believe that the emergence of "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpa" is entailed only in earthquakes, the landslides in the flooding, fires, even though every year we do not miss anything. Everything is now
emergency in this country: the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of St. Joseph of Cupertino, celebrated in the province of Lecce with the order of "emergency" 3356, the National Eucharistic Congress, scheduled to Ancona from 4 to 11 September 2011 which is already Bertolaso \u200b\u200bcommissioner for now with a dowry of only 200 000 € to spend on the success of the event. Pennies, bazzeccole, pinzillacchere. There are other interests which, under the "Civil Protection" are flowing hundreds of millions. Often to friends and friends of friends.
Between 2001, when Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwas appointed Head of Civil Protection and the first five months of 2009, the Presidency Council has issued 587 "-emergency orders", of which only a part related to natural disasters. The rest of the "big events", or assumed. It seems that no body is able to control when you know exactly what the couple "B & B" was able to spend in recent years, with no tether or judicial review. But it has produced a reliable estimate Manuel Bonaccorsi, author of a dossier titled "Absolute Power - The civil protection at the time of Bertolaso, "just published. 

"That we see - says Zanda - is a pickaxe to the State, an overlap between an abnormal head Department, a Director-General should be guided by impartiality, and an undersecretary controller-controlled, which, moreover, with the new decree, the powers are implemented. In the Italian democratic republic has never happened that a member of the government has had both the office of secretary and general manager. It is as if the minister Roberto Maroni was also the chief of police. For the series we still picconare this former rule of law. "
legibus solutus, also because of the arrogant and quarrelsome temper despite the Prix St. Catherine of Siena just got the pious Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwith its system of power is likely to run into those little granules that, if ignored, can jam the mechanism. Among the hundreds of resolutions passed in previous years-emergency of its power from Prime Minister's office, set to multiply with the launch of the decree "B & B", there's some that just can not go to some free legal verification sacrosanct.
Apart from the investigation "nag", which involves Bertolaso \u200b\u200bin each of the questionable waste recycling in Naples, Berlusconi's pride, maybe we want to talk about the contracts secret for the G8 summit of La Maddalena, a small company merged in Grottaferrata, Castelli Romani, called Anemone, like its owner, due to the beloved character of Commissioner Bertolasi Angelo Balducci? O wind unnecessary poles swimming fortunes in Rome for the use of the usual building speculators, waste paper by the plans, for the World Championships in 2009?
That time was a son of Baldwin, now projected President of the Council of Public Works, a millionaire groped the business in an area close to the Via Salaria which threatens to drown under the Tiber each time he takes two drops of water.
Such was the young Balducci bold speculation, that some judges just do not digest. Now the "Civil Defense Spa" award-winning company "B & B, top manufacturers with many friends in places and dry desert. And above all, liberated with the privatization of the last ties of checks, no interference of red judges.
Source: The Republic, Wikipedia
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