Friday, February 5, 2010
Describe Metallic Taste
Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp
Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp
"Think only of the pain caused to the victim must have the constant rubbing of the bands of restraint on the wound that had left wrist, deep to the flesh. " The order the investigating judge of Vallo della Lucania, Nicholas Morrone, is fierce as the charges that the prosecutors move to 14 health care professionals under investigation for kidnapping, death or injury. The image of Francis Mastrogiovanni that comes out of the camera is filming from the hospital by court order is that of "a man in obvious respiratory distress and suffering," so dead for pulmonary edema, as evidenced by medical records are seized, but 'linked to the state of forced immobility which was forced. " The picture, however, that comes out of the hospital's department of psychiatry at St. Luke looks like a concentration camp where "it is common practice to treat patients. The figure for doctors, finally, is almost desecrated "the abusive conduct was carried out in the difficulty of relying on social problems of patients and the opportunity to plead their lack of credibility, because suffering from psychiatric illness." Instead, the films speak for themselves. Mastrogiovanni, as well as another patient G. M, would be tied to the bed throughout the period of stay "even if not aggressive. Nor was fed or made her drink. " For the investigating judge, Mastrogiovanni did not refuse food or medical care, nor the injections, as is verbalized in the medical hospital. The judiciary reconstructs the last days of the teacher. At 12:15 of August 1, Mastrogiovanni arrives at the hospital by ambulance and placed on the bed of the department. "Up to 12:41 is conscious, does not appear aggressive - according to the order for suspension of doctors and nurses - at 12:45 and is undergoing medical treatment becoming a syringe injected intramuscularly. At 12.55 is so quiet that you prepare your own bed and eat the food provided by the hospital. And 'the last time he will be allowed to eat, because it lies on the bed at 13:08 and remains quiet until the moment when he will be the bands of restraint. From that moment will not be untied, nor will be provided food and water, and this until the time of his death. " In a "disturbing sequela of abuse," concludes the investigating judge.
Angela Cappetta news from Cilento
Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp
"Think only of the pain caused to the victim must have the constant rubbing of the bands of restraint on the wound that had left wrist, deep to the flesh. " The order the investigating judge of Vallo della Lucania, Nicholas Morrone, is fierce as the charges that the prosecutors move to 14 health care professionals under investigation for kidnapping, death or injury. The image of Francis Mastrogiovanni that comes out of the camera is filming from the hospital by court order is that of "a man in obvious respiratory distress and suffering," so dead for pulmonary edema, as evidenced by medical records are seized, but 'linked to the state of forced immobility which was forced. " The picture, however, that comes out of the hospital's department of psychiatry at St. Luke looks like a concentration camp where "it is common practice to treat patients. The figure for doctors, finally, is almost desecrated "the abusive conduct was carried out in the difficulty of relying on social problems of patients and the opportunity to plead their lack of credibility, because suffering from psychiatric illness." Instead, the films speak for themselves. Mastrogiovanni, as well as another patient G. M, would be tied to the bed throughout the period of stay "even if not aggressive. Nor was fed or made her drink. " For the investigating judge, Mastrogiovanni did not refuse food or medical care, nor the injections, as is verbalized in the medical hospital. The judiciary reconstructs the last days of the teacher. At 12:15 of August 1, Mastrogiovanni arrives at the hospital by ambulance and placed on the bed of the department. "Up to 12:41 is conscious, does not appear aggressive - according to the order for suspension of doctors and nurses - at 12:45 and is undergoing medical treatment becoming a syringe injected intramuscularly. At 12.55 is so quiet that you prepare your own bed and eat the food provided by the hospital. And 'the last time he will be allowed to eat, because it lies on the bed at 13:08 and remains quiet until the moment when he will be the bands of restraint. From that moment will not be untied, nor will be provided food and water, and this until the time of his death. " In a "disturbing sequela of abuse," concludes the investigating judge.
Angela Cappetta news from Cilento
Pocket Bike Forsale In Ontario
Knight, the Vatican and the conspiracy Boffo against Giuseppe d'Avanzo of social policies
Knight, the Vatican and the conspiracy against
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
C'E 'was, therefore, within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church conspiracy . The Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, moving against the Italian Bishops' Conference of Angelo Bagnasco. Francesco Cossiga - along with the eye of one accustomed to see in the background of powers - reveals the reasons for time. The former president of the republic, properly informed, anticipates all, draws almost the minute what will happen soon, the heads that fall, the forces involved, the political stakes. Berlusconi is under attack. There was hunted alone in the corner, celebrating a minor. His life like little or improper parishes and parish priests who are silent embarrassment and regret letters in the future. Monsignor Mariano Crusade, Secretary General of the CEI, listen to those voices and laments: "You have a contempt exhibited against everything he says modesty, sobriety, self-control and the display of a gay and irresponsible libertinism that indeed the word lust. None should think that in this field there is no gravity of behavior or whether it's private affairs, especially when minors are involved, what the extent of which cries for vengeance before God "(July 6, Ferriera Latina).
Cossiga was to face the secretary of the CEI:" You crossed the line. Other than "partying and debauchery", a declaration would be ethics, referring to the general situation, as it always has been. "Insisting on these issues, reasoning Cossiga, revealing" a rift that regards politics, not ethics " . Here's the scene that he sees: "They want to keep a good part of the episcopate and of the ecclesial movement, close to the center-left. They pointed to the Pd Franceschini, pull the sprint was the only leader post-dc. If the Director of the Future that has, in his newspaper, everyone decides who freely donate 8 per thousand, we are dealing not with a dissident group in the center-right, but potentially with the Church headed by the Pope. "Cossiga is brutal with the Director of the Future" I can not give any explanation to the writings of the Reverend Boffo not that place an unreasonable direction of the newspaper still the official organ of the CEI, should refrain from these attacks, due in part to its political preferences known, cloaked in religious choices "(the Newspaper, August 24).
* * * The words of Francesco Cossiga told to those who have ears to hear (a) because the paper strikes the head of government after a few days Dino Boffo, (2) for whom the bell of his character assassination, (3) who should benefit from the scandal that is already cooked. Berlusconi is poised dangerously fragile. Make it vulnerable to its habits. The weaken private behavior. Even more than the paralyzed can weaken the reactions ranging from silence to a public lie helpless, discrediting the international arena and among its electorate. The report surveys. The political advisers who are close to understand that even if the Italian bishops publicly against the move - how to write believe the intervention of the Secretary of the IEC - the head of government will be fried, its political season comes to a sad end.
In this field of political tensions, and religious lines of force, more bluntly, of power, the Director of the Future Dino Boffo becomes the magnet that attracts the whole spectrum of reactions to the plight and the objective against which you download the desire of the Roman Curia to settle accounts with an episcopate made too independent from the policies of Camillo Ruini, the will of the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone to support the periclitante Silvio Berlusconi in his own hands and to resume the leadership of the Italian Church, and the determination of Knight to attack "tit for tat", anyone - family, ally, critic, editor, journalist - in front of him, critically. Slay Dino Boffo, as always happens to the scapegoat, is a lucid therapeutic need. It is an exercise that bypasses the contradictions that you can not resolve (can a Church which calls for "modesty, sobriety, self-control" rely on an "irresponsible libertine"?). It is the maneuver that allows you to postpone the solution of the problem (Italian Catholics can look with confidence and respect for Berlusconi?). It is the move that may settle the proscenium a "man-up" to more secular, which the ecclesiastical hierarchy, with the resentment of many, have given the government the entire media-Catholic system, the future, Sat 2000, TV on which the CEI pour major resources, Inblu, the radio network more than 200 radio. On the head of Dino Boffo rush absolute hatred and resentment. One can see many more hands to work and their moves are intentional.
now appear on the scene of the conspirators. They have been called into question in recent days. We must name a name and surname. I am the secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone. The director of the Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian. The information can be destructive to collect, manufacture or distort isolating a true fact from its context and manipulating it carefully. It is the policy of the scandal. It has its protocols. Are respected in this case. To destroy Dino Boffo, the conspirators have access to a mold. It is known for five years: a criminal conviction for harassment that the Director of the Future, to protect his assistant, accepted the trial and refused the appeal. It may not be enough (you've seen stuff is hot air) and, therefore, through the good offices of some spy (according to sources close to Boffo, a professor at the Catholic University of Milan), "His Excellency" asks for information. Receiving it. Thirty lines, preceded by the word "Response to requests for information of His Excellency." The text reads the slander that cut the head of the scapegoat rearranging the order of compromise: "The Boffo is already a known homosexual attention from the State Police for this sort of acquaintances and has undoubtedly high protection, complicity and cover in the church. "The poison murderess is ready. Now we need to cause a" leak "from outside the fray and letting the dirty work to be completed by the newspapers.
* L ' deliberate action of those, "Prime Minister" (Bertone), demands a rebalancing of powers resize the autonomy of the "Italian National Church", because "there can be" little Vatican "across five continents" (Vittorio Messori) crosses the design of the President of the Council, in summer, it reorganized its "media scrum", decided to move against his opponents, real and imagined. He made a list of enemies and wants to demolish. Dismiss those of his that appear uncertain. He wants to hit men ready to get their hands dirty. That the plan is this, it reveals Mario Giordano, forced to leave the direction of the Journal: "In the political battles we have not pulled back some (...) But what people do in their bedrooms (they are premier , editors, publishers, engineers, first lady, bodyguards and lawyers) we are just their way. And we believe that newspaper readers do not appreciate a political battle that could not stop the barbarism and turns in the game of rubbish on their alcoves "(Il Giornale, 21 August). Jordan could not be clearer: the publisher and Prime Minister asked me to do my daily miasma of a shop, for decency and felt I did not leave the task to those that are willing to do dirty work.
After five months that lie in the wonderful world of Silvio Berlusconi, wants us to hide the fact believe that the 'murder' Dino Boffo is designed and consumed only in the rooms in the Vatican. We should remember that today the scene of the crime there are also specimens of the Knight. The character assassination of the Director of Future (never lit up in the principals and the motives of any newspaper) is the result of two intentional actions which, as Cossiga explained to us in advance, have been organized to give "to each, his". Tarcisio Bertone to the government (including political) at their Italian. A Silvio Berlusconi, a way out of trouble, by the abandonment of the Church, could overwhelm the destination. An excellent opportunity to represent themselves as a power that the difficulties would not have given up show - with the dossier, intimidation, soon to hit Napolitano, Fini, the Constitutional Court - the sheer violence it contains.
Knight, the Vatican and the conspiracy against
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
C'E 'was, therefore, within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church conspiracy . The Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, moving against the Italian Bishops' Conference of Angelo Bagnasco. Francesco Cossiga - along with the eye of one accustomed to see in the background of powers - reveals the reasons for time. The former president of the republic, properly informed, anticipates all, draws almost the minute what will happen soon, the heads that fall, the forces involved, the political stakes. Berlusconi is under attack. There was hunted alone in the corner, celebrating a minor. His life like little or improper parishes and parish priests who are silent embarrassment and regret letters in the future. Monsignor Mariano Crusade, Secretary General of the CEI, listen to those voices and laments: "You have a contempt exhibited against everything he says modesty, sobriety, self-control and the display of a gay and irresponsible libertinism that indeed the word lust. None should think that in this field there is no gravity of behavior or whether it's private affairs, especially when minors are involved, what the extent of which cries for vengeance before God "(July 6, Ferriera Latina).
Cossiga was to face the secretary of the CEI:" You crossed the line. Other than "partying and debauchery", a declaration would be ethics, referring to the general situation, as it always has been. "Insisting on these issues, reasoning Cossiga, revealing" a rift that regards politics, not ethics " . Here's the scene that he sees: "They want to keep a good part of the episcopate and of the ecclesial movement, close to the center-left. They pointed to the Pd Franceschini, pull the sprint was the only leader post-dc. If the Director of the Future that has, in his newspaper, everyone decides who freely donate 8 per thousand, we are dealing not with a dissident group in the center-right, but potentially with the Church headed by the Pope. "Cossiga is brutal with the Director of the Future" I can not give any explanation to the writings of the Reverend Boffo not that place an unreasonable direction of the newspaper still the official organ of the CEI, should refrain from these attacks, due in part to its political preferences known, cloaked in religious choices "(the Newspaper, August 24).
* * * The words of Francesco Cossiga told to those who have ears to hear (a) because the paper strikes the head of government after a few days Dino Boffo, (2) for whom the bell of his character assassination, (3) who should benefit from the scandal that is already cooked. Berlusconi is poised dangerously fragile. Make it vulnerable to its habits. The weaken private behavior. Even more than the paralyzed can weaken the reactions ranging from silence to a public lie helpless, discrediting the international arena and among its electorate. The report surveys. The political advisers who are close to understand that even if the Italian bishops publicly against the move - how to write believe the intervention of the Secretary of the IEC - the head of government will be fried, its political season comes to a sad end.
In this field of political tensions, and religious lines of force, more bluntly, of power, the Director of the Future Dino Boffo becomes the magnet that attracts the whole spectrum of reactions to the plight and the objective against which you download the desire of the Roman Curia to settle accounts with an episcopate made too independent from the policies of Camillo Ruini, the will of the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone to support the periclitante Silvio Berlusconi in his own hands and to resume the leadership of the Italian Church, and the determination of Knight to attack "tit for tat", anyone - family, ally, critic, editor, journalist - in front of him, critically. Slay Dino Boffo, as always happens to the scapegoat, is a lucid therapeutic need. It is an exercise that bypasses the contradictions that you can not resolve (can a Church which calls for "modesty, sobriety, self-control" rely on an "irresponsible libertine"?). It is the maneuver that allows you to postpone the solution of the problem (Italian Catholics can look with confidence and respect for Berlusconi?). It is the move that may settle the proscenium a "man-up" to more secular, which the ecclesiastical hierarchy, with the resentment of many, have given the government the entire media-Catholic system, the future, Sat 2000, TV on which the CEI pour major resources, Inblu, the radio network more than 200 radio. On the head of Dino Boffo rush absolute hatred and resentment. One can see many more hands to work and their moves are intentional.
now appear on the scene of the conspirators. They have been called into question in recent days. We must name a name and surname. I am the secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone. The director of the Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian. The information can be destructive to collect, manufacture or distort isolating a true fact from its context and manipulating it carefully. It is the policy of the scandal. It has its protocols. Are respected in this case. To destroy Dino Boffo, the conspirators have access to a mold. It is known for five years: a criminal conviction for harassment that the Director of the Future, to protect his assistant, accepted the trial and refused the appeal. It may not be enough (you've seen stuff is hot air) and, therefore, through the good offices of some spy (according to sources close to Boffo, a professor at the Catholic University of Milan), "His Excellency" asks for information. Receiving it. Thirty lines, preceded by the word "Response to requests for information of His Excellency." The text reads the slander that cut the head of the scapegoat rearranging the order of compromise: "The Boffo is already a known homosexual attention from the State Police for this sort of acquaintances and has undoubtedly high protection, complicity and cover in the church. "The poison murderess is ready. Now we need to cause a" leak "from outside the fray and letting the dirty work to be completed by the newspapers.
* L ' deliberate action of those, "Prime Minister" (Bertone), demands a rebalancing of powers resize the autonomy of the "Italian National Church", because "there can be" little Vatican "across five continents" (Vittorio Messori) crosses the design of the President of the Council, in summer, it reorganized its "media scrum", decided to move against his opponents, real and imagined. He made a list of enemies and wants to demolish. Dismiss those of his that appear uncertain. He wants to hit men ready to get their hands dirty. That the plan is this, it reveals Mario Giordano, forced to leave the direction of the Journal: "In the political battles we have not pulled back some (...) But what people do in their bedrooms (they are premier , editors, publishers, engineers, first lady, bodyguards and lawyers) we are just their way. And we believe that newspaper readers do not appreciate a political battle that could not stop the barbarism and turns in the game of rubbish on their alcoves "(Il Giornale, 21 August). Jordan could not be clearer: the publisher and Prime Minister asked me to do my daily miasma of a shop, for decency and felt I did not leave the task to those that are willing to do dirty work.
After five months that lie in the wonderful world of Silvio Berlusconi, wants us to hide the fact believe that the 'murder' Dino Boffo is designed and consumed only in the rooms in the Vatican. We should remember that today the scene of the crime there are also specimens of the Knight. The character assassination of the Director of Future (never lit up in the principals and the motives of any newspaper) is the result of two intentional actions which, as Cossiga explained to us in advance, have been organized to give "to each, his". Tarcisio Bertone to the government (including political) at their Italian. A Silvio Berlusconi, a way out of trouble, by the abandonment of the Church, could overwhelm the destination. An excellent opportunity to represent themselves as a power that the difficulties would not have given up show - with the dossier, intimidation, soon to hit Napolitano, Fini, the Constitutional Court - the sheer violence it contains.
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"way" is an annual event on Welfare organized by Gruppo Abele
, Free and CNCA in Terni, until Sunday
The "three-day" Social Policy:
The "three-day" social policies on poverty, prisons full and moonlighting
ROME - On the table, Gruppo Abele, Free and CNCA (Coordination host) have already prepared the material on which you put to discuss for three days, as of this morning until Sunday. The appointment of the Terni Palatennistavolo for the fourth edition of "Along The Way", the annual meeting that takes stock of social policies in Italy and tries to imagine new models of welfare. Three days of discussions with seven working groups, over 1000 members and 70 rapporteurs. Announced the participation of personalities from politics to the forefront: Pierluigi Bersani, Fabio Granata (finiano the PDL), Maria Rita Lorenzetti (President of the Umbria Region), Nichi Vendola, Paolo Ferrero, Livia Turkish ... And lawyers, economists, sociologists.
The widespread idea of \u200b\u200ba country fair. There will be time to talk about the ideas and many will be to reflect on and discuss. Research and diagrams from which start the discussion, ruthlessly sketch the outlines of an Italy with a lowered threshold of social vulnerability so to spread among young people aged 16 to 30 years, the certainty of living in a country that does not guarantee everyone the same routes, where rules are there, but do not apply to all the way down. And where only 10% of those who become unemployed are covered by subsidies, so that 1.6 million workers have no support in case of dismissal.
Old and new poor. The Bank of Italy tells us that 2 million and 600 thousand people are employed, among them are also calculated in the unemployed become so discouraged that work did not even try anymore. Absolute poverty concerns 5% of population, approximately 2 million and 900 thousand people, people who are unable to purchase goods and services deemed essential to a minimally acceptable standard of living. No less serious is the condition in the "fence" of the so-called "relative poverty", inhabited by about 2 million people living just above the threshold: € 50 more than the poor themselves.
Social spending under the EU average. The "social card" Tremonti has had little impact, both on absolute poverty, rather than those relating to: a decline in family "absolutely poor" by just 0.4%. The set of measures of the government than the poor is 192 million euro, but it would take 3, 86 billion. Without equal 100 to the arithmetic mean of per capita expenditure of the EU15, the Italian has reduced over 84% in '97 to 77% in 2006.
The collapse of the prisons. In cells of Italian prisons are crammed 20,000 people in more than they might contain. In this objective data, which for him is the source of inhuman and degrading situations, there is also a culture of outdated and inappropriate prison sentence, far away from the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial reintegration and recovery, and increasingly spoiled by the concept of revenge revenge on society and who was wrong. Among the data available to those who participate in the "three-days" of Terni, there are examples of prison Favignana, a small facility with 148 inmates, with the distinction of being totally below ground. And the example, chilling and now famous, Poggioreale hosting more than twice as many people may stay: more than 2700 people.
Who is behind bars. 46% of prisoners (about 30 000 people) is in custody, that is awaiting trial. Of these, 77.5% are foreigners, of whom almost half (30%) ends up behind bars for transgressions that have to do with immigration laws. In prisons are fewer people serving long sentences, the number is growing, on the contrary, those who are serving sentences of up to three years and may access to alternative measures.
suicides. The record year of 2009, with 72 prisoners who have committed suicide in prison, is now behind us. But in 2010 - so to speak - looking good: in the first 15 days of January, six people have already decided to do away with their lives in jail. Over the past 10 years have been to kill in 1560.
Unemployment and low wages. Istat tells us that in Italy the unemployed are 8, 5% of workers: 1, 5% more than last year. Among young people aged 15 to 24 years, the unemployed made up 26% in the EU the same as it stops at 21%. The Italian wages are among the lowest in Europe. With salaries 17% below the average of the OECD. There are approximately 13 million Italian workers earning less than € 1,300 net per month and about 6.9 million, will take less than € 1,000. The income of working families and employees fell by € 1,700 from 2000 to 2008. In response, professionals and entrepreneurs have instead increased their incomes by more than 9,000 €. Even better is going to managers: their fees have grown by 38%.
Undeclared work is worth 92 billion. The number of illegal workers is close to 3 million, 12% of the national workforce. The estimated value of the "hidden" amounts to 92.6 billion euro. Half the people are employed in the South with the primacy of the Calabria with 15%. Followed by Sicily (12.7%), Campania (12.2%), Basilicata and Sardinia with 11, 7%.
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