Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Change Cross Country Ski Bindings

Monday, February 15, 2010

How Long Is Ativan Detected In Urine


Done From The Daily, February 13, 2010, Marco Travaglio There's just more fun reading a wiretapping: the headlines on wiretapping. The Fireman della Sera has already degraded the scandal of prostitution in the second calendar notice in order to provide emphasis on the sensational "Pensions, warning of Berlusconi." The Journal opens up instead Bertolaso \u200b\u200b"catch all to play," "usual traps," "mud season". "On Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- Felt says - the feeling is that there is little or nothing ': Boffo's not like homosexuality, so to speak. It is a "gossip", argues the authoritative Meluzzi, a spokesman for Don Gelmini charged with molesting boys. Also on the Genius, Annamaria Bernardini de Pace recommends: "Do not call escort, but prostitutes", "are whores who offer the powerful" could not say another end user? According is in ruins as the day of the earthquake. In contrast to Mary Magdalene have thrown for 330 million 5-star hotels with views of the lorries. Il Foglio entrusts a comment to an expert in the field: Sergio Soave, the former head of the PDS that bargaining for bribes worth the Milan subway, so can authoritatively analyze the new bundles
: "How can you spend playing with the red the horn when you are carrying a wounded man to hospital, so you must be able to break the ordinary rules when facing an extraordinary situation. "
In fact, the contracts involve the G8, the World Swimming Championships and the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy
, all extraordinary situations, unpredictable events discovered by chance at the last minute. Imagine the panic when one of the many sleepless nights at the spa "Beauty Salaria, Virgin and Martyr San Guido was told by a physiotherapist, middle-aged, that Francesca, distant descendant of the Countess of Castiglione and Costantino Nigra, who in 1861 was born a united Italy. Panico, red alert, state of emergency, then
Making the Man of
promptly alerted the genius sappers and avalanche dogs, and finally calls the brave Anemone, who also waited for hours outside the door, the open, his mortacci them.
definitely more salty the other Worksheet editorial, titled in chiaroscuro inspired by Cardinal Ruini: "Close the flap." The Reformatory is produced Drita El Polito himself: he compulsively for hours, "the waste books and phone calls seeking comments from the investigating judge of the offense." And, as usual, we do not got a club: no - writes with considerable unintended irony - "the smoking gun." Indeed he felt that the famous Frank "could not exclude the treatment of herniated disc." Then
predictions that the process will end in
prescription, so "we will never know if Bertolaso \u200b\u200bdid the terrible things he is accused" and "if the contracts ended the civil protection to all people who sneered at the news of the earthquake of L'Aquila and if Mary Magdalene was a colossal waste "because we do not have a" final decision ". Instead of doing a couple of Company surveys or send someone to the Magdalene, he expects the Supreme Court. It 'did the following: if, puta case, he sees a guy with a mask, hood and black tights that comes from a bank with lots shoulder, El Drita not shouting "Stop thief". Wait a dozen years that the res judicata.
Meanwhile San Guido pulls three alibi . The first gives him the Minister Matteoli: "With everything that has to do, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhas no time to be corrupted (the judges shall have due regard). The second explains the interest in the Courier: "Do you think you can buy with 10 000 euro a person like me? E 'humiliating'. In fact, only a beggar sells for so little need to update the price list. The third excuse is courtesy of the Banana: "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bnot touch." As needed shall, where appropriate, Francesca.


source: voglioscendere.ilcannocchiale.it

Menopause And Achy Legs


Monday, February 8, 2010

Rikers Island Visting Shedule


PRESS STOP THE WAR BETWEEN THE POOR! The torchlight procession Friday, Jan. 22 organized by the Northern League and supported by the PDL was held at the cry of the usual and demagogic slogan of "security." Security, of course, the hordes of migrants who, according to organizers, pouring waves of crime in the city center, especially against women (whose absence, however, stood out a little to the already owned torchlight ...). Once again the right Modena relies for its racist campaigns, on prejudices die hard and false data and sowers of hatred PDL League and declare that the foreign residents in the old town streets destroy "a once noble " they know that it is in the family, between the walls of the stately homes of these routes that is consumed as much as 94% of violence against women, first by Italianissimo husbands and boyfriends? And they know that among husbands who beat, rape and kill women, the first professional group is represented entrepreneurs, managers and professionals, followed by representatives of so-called police and armed forces? In the face of one who relies more police to combat violence against women! Finally, know that the official data from the police (also published by local newspapers!) Find a general decline in petty crime in Modena, and are increasing exponentially white-collar crimes related to infiltration and Camorra mafia in our region? Where are the torches of the League and the PDL against this kind of crime? Who is convenient to move the focus elsewhere, spread fear, criminalize the weaker groups such as migrants, and making it a scapegoat against which to pour out the hatred of the people, frustrated and impoverished by the economic crisis? Women are tired of the Communist Refoundation that violence against women is exploited to stir up racist campaigns against immigrants. Also ask us security but the security of a home, a place to work and the workplace (three workers each day in Italy are victims of serious accidents or death). Although we fight violence against women, however, it is not just of rapes, but exploitation of lower wages than men, dequalificanti of tasks, a lack of services which fall on women all the weight of parental care, the criminalization of the Vatican against women who abort, and, last but not least, the commodification of women's bodies intrinsic to capitalist society, making women an object on which to pour the violence of society. COLLECTIVE WOMEN Communist Refoundation

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Easiest Praline Recipe

Can I Drive If I Swallowed Mouthwash

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Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpA: the business of Civil Protection.
January 25, 2010 2 Comments
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsalt triumphantly to the throne of Emperor of all the contracts with the decree, which was launched last week by the Council of Ministers and now in the Senate, that "privatization" of Civil Protection of the nation, transforming it into a spa Other than the hierarchy of ministers drawn from his mentor officially Gianni Letta.
Bertolaso, MD, Secretary to the Prime Minister and Head of the Department of Civil Protection, made the scale of the order of protocol in terms of overcoming not only real power Frattini, Maroni and Alfano, the top three rankings lettiana, but also Giulio Tremonti, the guardian of the purse strings. Why can spend as it wants an unspecified number of billions of euro without any public control, authorization or statement and, if necessary, with the classified, as was the case for the G8 was scheduled to the island of La Maddalena and was eventually transferred to L'Aquila earthquake. You can spend
ad libitum Bertolaso, not only due to landslides, fires and earthquakes, but any "Big Event" is deemed worthy, the boundaries of the Republic and the Orb terraqueous, an "emergency decree".

ministries remain silent under the heel of Tremonti and the Court of Auditors has put his mind at rest. The controls are off limits.
Already dubbed "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpa" between the senators from all parties who are examining the decree, the Civil Protection Services Spa "becomes de facto if not the greatest, certainly the most self- Contracting Entity of the Republic, with an almost total exemption to the traditional rules of law for the funds in transit from Palazzo Chigi, and intended for different purposes: from cycling races, the celebration of saints, the State party to the Pope's trip, swimming pools the landfill, traffic of gondolas on the lagoon in the races, from luxury hotels to the scenarios of cardboard for international summits. Like that - riot of kitsch edited by Berlusconi himself - that made her smile, ministers agreed to the NATO-Russia summit at Pratica di Mare. To go soon to the management of Milan Expo in 2015 and the Olympics of 2020 disputes between Rome and Venice, and that Berlusconi wants to read in the hands of Bertolaso.
A car power so overwhelming to move further from the headquarters of ministries and of course the European Parliament and of the supervisory authorities to the Chigi Palace bar of the real power of the company & Bertolaso \u200b\u200bBerlusconi, who under the wing of the noble Gentleman of His Holiness John Letta, culture has made a science of the emergency power infinitely more sophisticated than that of the First Republic, which provided complex "domes" for the division of honor, power and wealth, perhaps through the securities in which the funds were converted blacks IRI, which the Secretary has direct knowledge Letta, having collected at the time a share of around one billion and a half pounds. Between 2001, when Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwas appointed Head of Civil Protection and the first five months of 2009, the Presidency Council has issued 587 "-emergency orders", of which only a part related to natural disasters. The rest of the "big events", or assumed. It seems that no body is able to control when you know exactly what the couple "B & B" was able to spend in recent years, with no tether or judicial review. But it has produced a reliable estimate Manuel Bonaccorsi, author of a dossier titled "Absolute Power - The civil protection at the time of Bertolaso, "just published. Between 3 December 2001 and January 30, 2006 the Presidency of the Council passed 330 ordinances. Of these, 75 are public appropriations ordinances, which are worth about a billion and € 490 000. This is not a representative sample, but it is a fact that allows an estimate. In the five years through a civil protection orders, in disregard of procurement rules and assumptions, would have been spent 6.5 billion. If you calculate to 587 orders of the Presidency of the Council in less than nine years, we arrive at 10.6 billion. Enough money - consider the authors of the dossier - to build a power bloc indestructible secret and free from any rule. understand why the emperor of all the contracts, that the center considered one of his, said in interviews that of all the fourteen governments that have "served", the Berlusconi quater is "the best"? Ten years ago it was still anyone. "I know him well," said Luigi Zanda, now vice-chairman of the Senate of the Democratic Party in 2000, when he was president of the Great Jubilee, met him as the assistant to Francesco Rutelli, Rome's mayor and commissioner at the event . "Skilled in problem solving, had a huge ego," according to Zander, who now leads the legions of opponents in parliament to "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSpa", which, in addition to the CGIL, for now aligns the Conference of Regions, led by Vasco Errani Association of common Sergio Chiamparino. addition to an array bipartisan who are fed up of the company "B & B, hatched behind the scenes by Gianni Letta and its power system, edited by ambassadors, at the time, figured as recruiters della Loggia P2 Licio Gelli, committed mainly to launder bribes with the complicity of the Vatican bank. Like the legendary Luigi Bisignani, now officially the manager of a printing company in Turin, in fact carries out for read functions as spokesman for the powerful Under Secretary of Palazzo Chigi. "B & B" plus the "L" Letta.
"That we see - says Zanda - is a pickaxe to the State, an overlap between an abnormal head Department, a Director-General should be guided by impartiality, and an undersecretary controller-controlled, which, moreover, with the new decree, the powers are implemented. In the Italian democratic republic has never happened that a member of the government has had both the office of secretary and general manager. It is as if the minister Roberto Maroni was also the chief of police. For the series we still picconare this former rule of law. "
legibus solutus, also because of the arrogant and quarrelsome temper despite the Prix St. Catherine of Siena just got the pious Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwith its system of power is likely to run into those little granules that, if ignored, can jam the mechanism. Among the hundreds of resolutions passed in previous years-emergency of its power from Prime Minister's office, set to multiply with the launch of the decree "B & B", there's some that just can not go to some free legal verification sacrosanct.

Apart from the investigation "nag", which involves Bertolaso \u200b\u200bin each of the questionable waste recycling in Naples, Berlusconi's pride, maybe we want to talk about the contracts secret for the G8 summit of La Maddalena, a small company merged in Grottaferrata, Castelli Romani, called Anemone, like its owner, due to the beloved character of Commissioner Bertolasi Angelo Balducci? O wind unnecessary poles swimming fortunes in Rome for the use of the usual building speculators, waste paper by the plans, for the World Championships in 2009?
That time was a son of Baldwin, now projected President of the Council of Public Works, a millionaire groped the business in an area close to the Via Salaria which threatens to drown under the Tiber each time he takes two drops of water.
Such was the young Balducci bold speculation, that some judges just do not digest. Now the "Civil Defense Spa" award-winning company "B & B, top manufacturers with many friends in places and dry desert. And above all, liberated with the privatization of the last ties of checks, no interference of red judges.

Source: The Republic, Wikipedia

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COMMENT Categories Gentile education marked by adjectives that accompany it ('high school', 'technical' and 'professional').
The two-year lost all ties with basic schooling and the development of cultural competence so widespread. The damage is profound because it is impossible to redesign the curriculum vertically on the ten-year obligation. The vertical coherence of the curriculum could be the most fruitful level for innovation to improve learning outcomes.
The direction towards which it moves this "reform" is the substantial revival / update of the school began with the reform of 1923 which provides a path to form the ruling class, one for technical intermediate and location for the activity-qualified executive who now enter into competition with vocational training courses and perhaps with an apprenticeship at 15.
This confirms and deepens the gap between high schools and institutions within and between these technical and professional.
is a bad choice because it is based on two assumptions no longer true because there is a less ideological, more practical and more closer to the prospect of a democratic school.
The first condition refers to the existence of "vocation" to the study related to different forms of intelligence. With over-generalization, approximation and superficiality it comes to vocations, attitudes, forms of intelligence in an age so uncertain that the academic performance and above all cultural behavior is essentially determined by social conditions and cultural experiences lived. In preadolescence the 'intelligence' is not a given now only more stable but accommodate a composite element on which to build the development of cultural competence. It is the intelligence of everyone who is rich in many minds, if anything, all to be expanded, the development of the intellectual aspects in which Excel may not be abandoning those that are presenting difficulties. At this age it is very important to a harmonious development of our intelligence and we know what the cultural background is decisive.
The second condition is attributable to the labor market. We hammered for years by the need for flexibility: there is more work that can last a lifetime. What changes having to be simultaneously characterized by a high profile professional specialization and a rapid change and instability?
certainly not anticipating the moment of course: the precocity of specialist training and sector characterized the hard and professional profiles which cover the entire period of working life.
growing, soft skills and communication skills and understanding / interaction within the complex and rapidly, changing. Just
the new type of training related to new technologies and their need for flexibility are compatible with only a training base and wide-ranging cultural consolidated only at a certain moment is oriented and leans toward the specific professional field.
In fact, when you do not have ideas and skills to build the future, fear, produced by a difficult present, produces folding in a nostalgic past.
The future of the school will thus be marked by cutbacks in the quality (in a strange theory that predicts an improved performance by reducing investment) and a non-reform (a change without a plan) that the existing rassetterà trying to revive it in the spirit of school size fifties. What a shame.


Full Length Mirror Rolling

social injustice

COMMENT of our contemporary opaque, otherwise indecipherable. Dell'imbarbarimento civil North, to begin with, the Northeast, with its xenophobic mayors, but also of the Northwest, the old industrial triangle, yesterday traditional area of \u200b\u200bsettlement of the social left "works" today the territory of winning the league. Degradation-Camorra mafia much of the south, and the moral decay of bipartisan way almost all of its ruling class. In the same rapid evaporation of the national left, to the extent of atrophy and aphasia current policy. And the apparently inexplicable absence of social conflict, collective, even in a situation where the crisis is biting on live. The rancor is
a sense 'social'. It is a passion "for the poor." Who is cornered. Powers, in fact, the 'war between the poor' horizontal conflicts on the bottom of the social pyramid. And the Italian workers are today poor. Indeed - perhaps even worse - are the "impoverished." Just take a look at the statistics, which do not like the government, but explained by the crudeness of their electoral fortune, to understand it. The most recent survey available - the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Social Exclusion - tells us that the incidence of relative poverty among the working-class families had achieved in 2008 (when the crisis was just beginning then) record level 14.5%, that rises to the south even to 20.7%. Which means that here a family of five, whose head is a worker, is forced to live with a lower average monthly expenditure of at least half of that country.
If then the "relative poverty" is passed to the indicator of "absolute poverty" - which measures the number of those who can not afford even a minimum amount of goods and services deemed essential to a decent life: food, clothing, medicine and Transport -, things are even worse. Analysis 'group', carried out by Istat on one million two hundred thousand Italian households surveyed as "absolutely poor", in order to identify the composition, found that almost half of which consists of workers - mostly employees, but not only - or at least by families in which the "reference person" has a job. It is, for a large number (170,000 households, or 15.1% of the total) of "single-income couples with minor children resident workers in the South" and another high percentage (over 11%, over 124,000 households) of "single workers and single parents CentroNord"! But there also appear to be composed of 110,000 families' income family of their own workers with minor children (9.8%) and almost as many (93,000, 8, 3% of total) headed by an employee or even small business, with a high number of dependent children, and residence in the south. To which the mass is certainly more substantial, poverty occult censibile those who are not "officially" as poor, based on the amount of formal income or consumption, but in fact it is so burdened by mortgage payments or consumer credit, by a separation, a divorce, a relatively expensive therapy. Or simply a lifestyle that is incompatible with your budget become economically but socially essential, otherwise the loss of primary relationships.
They are all, social figures that until a few years ago were considered "guaranteed." That were socially - and there were subjectively - above and outside the risk-poverty. For which the social horizon was a long time, the growth of income and status. And now it turns out, almost suddenly, on an inclined plane. Measured on their ability to access essential goods and services, a "fall" that are reluctant to admit. And who are trying to disguise. But that is in many ways from afar. And that has to do - although it is difficult for the sufferer, to decipher it - with the heavy, silent but substantially destabilizing social and political defeat that the work has suffered in the latter part of last century. Not only in Italy, of course. But in Italy through a particularly severe.
Just take a look at the dynamics wage immediately to have the measure of social power shift that occurred during the period. The OECD puts us now in 23rd place in the annual ranking of earnings in its thirty member countries, ahead only in Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Turkey. The Italians are on average gross wages in the OECD area of \u200b\u200b16% and 32% compared to the Euro. Those net, due to the weight of the tax burden, even worse, according to Eurispes' the Italian worker receives a wage subsidy that is 44% lower than the official English, 32% to the Irish, 28% in less than a German. " This source perceive even payroll, 19% in less than a greek, and 14% of a Spaniard. What is certain is that if we consider that the championship lead to net pay, is occupied by Korea, with $ 39,931 per year, with 38,147 followed by the United Kingdom and Switzerland, with 36,000, the Italian worker with his $ 21,374 (approx. € 15,300 ) is really a pariah.

Most Biogradabl Toilet Paper


FUORIPAGINA06/02/2010 the workforce for the strip of land between Bergamo, Brescia and Milan. As many, now and at low cost. Thus was born
Zingonia enormous speculation a bit 'surreal near Bergamo. Factories, houses for managers and a few meters from the highway which is the border with the ancient village of Ciserano, six towers for them, the southerners.
In fifty years everything has changed, not to change anything. Among the elders of the lower Bergamo also Polish carers who do are called today terrune. The African working in the factory is only a niger, and bars with the flag of the League can not be seen. In the realm of low-hard believers of
Maroni, Borghezio and Bossi, there Today the crisis. Direct from the airplane to Orio al Serio, you can count the few cars stationed in front of industrial buildings, making a statistical empirical but very visually effective. Parking deserts, very few trucks, warehouses closed. Spend the actual crisis, the industrial, the bad, the wind that leaves people at home. The evil that has led one worker to commit suicide, to set themselves on fire in front of one of the many empty squares, gray and useless. And so
Zingonia must change. The Niger and 'faces camel "- as the Northern League in the province of Bergamo president liked to call the North Africans - they must leave. The district built by Renzo Zingone symbol of industrialization in 1964 - before real estate speculation of northern Italy - is now to be thrown down. As in Rosario is to clean up, weed, driving
the map. The water gun

Zingonia The six buildings are now inhabited by 150 families, or nearly all composed of foreign migrants. Outweigh the Senegalese, the Pakistanis and North Africans. Are no public housing operated by organizations or the community. Those who entered the buildings Zingonia pays a rent or, very often, he bought the flats from the previous tenants Italians. Slay them all away, how he wants the league, is therefore a problem. Last December 3 in the morning a group of engineers Bas - water management company controlled by A2A - cut the water pipes, sparking a revolt by a few hours. The company will pay a very high was presented with nearly 400 000 € of unpaid bills. But all is not actually so clear.
By two accounts, one of six buildings is water consumption for the last year of nearly nine hundred euro per family. It appears therefore that does not add up. In late December, the families of Zingonia have collected thirteen thousand euro, delivered to the mayor of Ciserano, which in turn will have paid the company controlled by A2A. A first advance that allowed the reopening of the taps. Bergamo to gentry water but not enough: the four hundred thousand euro in arrears want them all.

Divide et impera
"We have an agreement," he announced at year-end Enea Biagini, the former mayor PPI - Democratic Party today - to Ciserano. A pact signed by him, by A2A and representatives of condominiums chosen field, without a regular meeting of the condominium. Indeed, the building for years is gone, when the last director resigned. The agreement provides that each family of towers Zingonia verses € 125 every month. In one year € 1500, the Water of A2A. The collection of money is entrusted by the sudden head condominium, which should run every month of the eight floors of the palace asking for families without work or redundancy money. As long as someone does not pay the water and end of the month is cut back, the whole building. That was evident earlier this week at a condominium. And so it probably will happen in a few days for another tower Zingonia.
After the protest on 3 December last cut here is water under the cover of the armed forces. Unlike Aprilia - Acqualatina where patrols are accompanied by private vigilantes - law and order is guaranteed by the Alps, by the police and local police. And if you cut the water becomes easier to blame those families who have not been able to put € 125 monthly, thus dividing the communities of foreigners. Via
an apartment is offered at auction 18 000 €, with an assessment of the expertise of 48 000 €. And here as well as for calculating the water bills of 2009, there is something else again. All the studies, except one, put pen to paper in the palaces of Zingonia there are debts of the building or water. "The administrator is not," explained the expert, and, therefore, no one knows what the real debt. And because the counter has always been home ownership, it is impossible today for the families of Zingonia determine with certainty whether the accounts presented by A2A are correct.
Analyzing the judicial history of the eleven apartments which will
auction can be discovered by the black market rents in black. And here Italians enter the scene. There is the example of an apartment owned by an Italian, where the bailiffs have found a foreign family. "We have a lease," they responded, showing an agreement on record. "Who paid?" Asked the expert of the Court: "At this
Maximus, who collects money every month because the landlord we've never seen," was the reply. Needless to talk to Max, of course, because it'll be there the owner said he did not want even to experts of the Court. Empty flats were then walled up by the City of Ciserano, so that other families could enter. Up To date 22 apartments have been closed and at least three of these were owned by Italians, but
used by families of foreigners, often irregular. Today
with an ax cut the water - after the past five years has been cut warming - most of the families would leave. The problem remains for those who are no outstanding loans - and there are many - for those in the apartment saw the possibility of redemption, of a normal life, a future for their children. Many have been here for years, unable to keep a job, even precarious, even to black. They send their children to school, where - despite Gelmini and the league - make friends, study, have teachers who know. It is these families that the weapon against the debt of the water is used today: the taps remain dry and be forced to
use the drinking fountains in the courtyards, in the middle of winter and the elevators are broken
the "exit strategy". Why on Zingonia is preparing a future millionaire.

hands on Zingonia
In the name of security around here we do everything. And it is an asymmetric security, where you must make sure the only capital. The families, home and work can be thrown away. "Zingonia is a ghetto." "Zingonia is the kingdom of the store." "A Zingonia is better not to go." For a year hammering "I took possession on 8 June - says the mayor of Ciserano Biagini - and 10 in the region asked me all the pre-projects, worth
rejection of the contract of the district." Can not of course be able to send the documentation. And so the design of the new Zingonia with a more human face fell, quashed by the Lombardy Region.
Come the provincial elections, the League that the expulsion of foreign Zingonia made his main battle, won the post of president. In October, part of the new proposal by the region: the project should be reformulated - said in a meeting behind closed doors - we give you five million euro to expropriate all lands and assignments with "ad hoc calls." Disappears all the social and economic studies, it remains just speculation. A month went by and suddenly the A2A starts cutting water demand figures and impossible to families. A fortuitous coincidence, of course. Zingonia will probably die. The 150 families will be expelled, sent away as has happened in Rosario. But the league could be a battle just
apparently won. "You see, Italians do not even know the world on the Internet - says a Moroccan boy in front of buildings Zingonia - and this country will die without us." In a slow and tragic suicide.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Describe Metallic Taste

Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp

Case Mastrogiovanni Franco: Department of Psychiatry valley - the judge had a ward camp

"Think only of the pain caused to the victim must have the constant rubbing of the bands of restraint on the wound that had left wrist, deep to the flesh. " The order the investigating judge of Vallo della Lucania, Nicholas Morrone, is fierce as the charges that the prosecutors move to 14 health care professionals under investigation for kidnapping, death or injury. The image of Francis Mastrogiovanni that comes out of the camera is filming from the hospital by court order is that of "a man in obvious respiratory distress and suffering," so dead for pulmonary edema, as evidenced by medical records are seized, but 'linked to the state of forced immobility which was forced. " The picture, however, that comes out of the hospital's department of psychiatry at St. Luke looks like a concentration camp where "it is common practice to treat patients. The figure for doctors, finally, is almost desecrated "the abusive conduct was carried out in the difficulty of relying on social problems of patients and the opportunity to plead their lack of credibility, because suffering from psychiatric illness." Instead, the films speak for themselves. Mastrogiovanni, as well as another patient G. M, would be tied to the bed throughout the period of stay "even if not aggressive. Nor was fed or made her drink. " For the investigating judge, Mastrogiovanni did not refuse food or medical care, nor the injections, as is verbalized in the medical hospital. The judiciary reconstructs the last days of the teacher. At 12:15 of August 1, Mastrogiovanni arrives at the hospital by ambulance and placed on the bed of the department. "Up to 12:41 is conscious, does not appear aggressive - according to the order for suspension of doctors and nurses - at 12:45 and is undergoing medical treatment becoming a syringe injected intramuscularly. At 12.55 is so quiet that you prepare your own bed and eat the food provided by the hospital. And 'the last time he will be allowed to eat, because it lies on the bed at 13:08 and remains quiet until the moment when he will be the bands of restraint. From that moment will not be untied, nor will be provided food and water, and this until the time of his death. " In a "disturbing sequela of abuse," concludes the investigating judge.

Angela Cappetta news from Cilento

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Knight, the Vatican and the conspiracy Boffo against Giuseppe d'Avanzo of social policies

Knight, the Vatican and the conspiracy against
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo

C'E 'was, therefore, within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church conspiracy . The Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, moving against the Italian Bishops' Conference of Angelo Bagnasco. Francesco Cossiga - along with the eye of one accustomed to see in the background of powers - reveals the reasons for time. The former president of the republic, properly informed, anticipates all, draws almost the minute what will happen soon, the heads that fall, the forces involved, the political stakes. Berlusconi is under attack. There was hunted alone in the corner, celebrating a minor. His life like little or improper parishes and parish priests who are silent embarrassment and regret letters in the future. Monsignor Mariano Crusade, Secretary General of the CEI, listen to those voices and laments: "You have a contempt exhibited against everything he says modesty, sobriety, self-control and the display of a gay and irresponsible libertinism that indeed the word lust. None should think that in this field there is no gravity of behavior or whether it's private affairs, especially when minors are involved, what the extent of which cries for vengeance before God "(July 6, Ferriera Latina).

Cossiga was to face the secretary of the CEI:" You crossed the line. Other than "partying and debauchery", a declaration would be ethics, referring to the general situation, as it always has been. "Insisting on these issues, reasoning Cossiga, revealing" a rift that regards politics, not ethics " . Here's the scene that he sees: "They want to keep a good part of the episcopate and of the ecclesial movement, close to the center-left. They pointed to the Pd Franceschini, pull the sprint was the only leader post-dc. If the Director of the Future that has, in his newspaper, everyone decides who freely donate 8 per thousand, we are dealing not with a dissident group in the center-right, but potentially with the Church headed by the Pope. "Cossiga is brutal with the Director of the Future" I can not give any explanation to the writings of the Reverend Boffo not that place an unreasonable direction of the newspaper still the official organ of the CEI, should refrain from these attacks, due in part to its political preferences known, cloaked in religious choices "(the Newspaper, August 24).

* * * The words of Francesco Cossiga told to those who have ears to hear (a) because the paper strikes the head of government after a few days Dino Boffo, (2) for whom the bell of his character assassination, (3) who should benefit from the scandal that is already cooked. Berlusconi is poised dangerously fragile. Make it vulnerable to its habits. The weaken private behavior. Even more than the paralyzed can weaken the reactions ranging from silence to a public lie helpless, discrediting the international arena and among its electorate. The report surveys. The political advisers who are close to understand that even if the Italian bishops publicly against the move - how to write believe the intervention of the Secretary of the IEC - the head of government will be fried, its political season comes to a sad end.

In this field of political tensions, and religious lines of force, more bluntly, of power, the Director of the Future Dino Boffo becomes the magnet that attracts the whole spectrum of reactions to the plight and the objective against which you download the desire of the Roman Curia to settle accounts with an episcopate made too independent from the policies of Camillo Ruini, the will of the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone to support the periclitante Silvio Berlusconi in his own hands and to resume the leadership of the Italian Church, and the determination of Knight to attack "tit for tat", anyone - family, ally, critic, editor, journalist - in front of him, critically. Slay Dino Boffo, as always happens to the scapegoat, is a lucid therapeutic need. It is an exercise that bypasses the contradictions that you can not resolve (can a Church which calls for "modesty, sobriety, self-control" rely on an "irresponsible libertine"?). It is the maneuver that allows you to postpone the solution of the problem (Italian Catholics can look with confidence and respect for Berlusconi?). It is the move that may settle the proscenium a "man-up" to more secular, which the ecclesiastical hierarchy, with the resentment of many, have given the government the entire media-Catholic system, the future, Sat 2000, TV on which the CEI pour major resources, Inblu, the radio network more than 200 radio. On the head of Dino Boffo rush absolute hatred and resentment. One can see many more hands to work and their moves are intentional.


now appear on the scene of the conspirators. They have been called into question in recent days. We must name a name and surname. I am the secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone. The director of the Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian. The information can be destructive to collect, manufacture or distort isolating a true fact from its context and manipulating it carefully. It is the policy of the scandal. It has its protocols. Are respected in this case. To destroy Dino Boffo, the conspirators have access to a mold. It is known for five years: a criminal conviction for harassment that the Director of the Future, to protect his assistant, accepted the trial and refused the appeal. It may not be enough (you've seen stuff is hot air) and, therefore, through the good offices of some spy (according to sources close to Boffo, a professor at the Catholic University of Milan), "His Excellency" asks for information. Receiving it. Thirty lines, preceded by the word "Response to requests for information of His Excellency." The text reads the slander that cut the head of the scapegoat rearranging the order of compromise: "The Boffo is already a known homosexual attention from the State Police for this sort of acquaintances and has undoubtedly high protection, complicity and cover in the church. "The poison murderess is ready. Now we need to cause a" leak "from outside the fray and letting the dirty work to be completed by the newspapers.

* L ' deliberate action of those, "Prime Minister" (Bertone), demands a rebalancing of powers resize the autonomy of the "Italian National Church", because "there can be" little Vatican "across five continents" (Vittorio Messori) crosses the design of the President of the Council, in summer, it reorganized its "media scrum", decided to move against his opponents, real and imagined. He made a list of enemies and wants to demolish. Dismiss those of his that appear uncertain. He wants to hit men ready to get their hands dirty. That the plan is this, it reveals Mario Giordano, forced to leave the direction of the Journal: "In the political battles we have not pulled back some (...) But what people do in their bedrooms (they are premier , editors, publishers, engineers, first lady, bodyguards and lawyers) we are just their way. And we believe that newspaper readers do not appreciate a political battle that could not stop the barbarism and turns in the game of rubbish on their alcoves "(Il Giornale, 21 August). Jordan could not be clearer: the publisher and Prime Minister asked me to do my daily miasma of a shop, for decency and felt I did not leave the task to those that are willing to do dirty work.
After five months that lie in the wonderful world of Silvio Berlusconi, wants us to hide the fact believe that the 'murder' Dino Boffo is designed and consumed only in the rooms in the Vatican. We should remember that today the scene of the crime there are also specimens of the Knight. The character assassination of the Director of Future (never lit up in the principals and the motives of any newspaper) is the result of two intentional actions which, as Cossiga explained to us in advance, have been organized to give "to each, his". Tarcisio Bertone to the government (including political) at their Italian. A Silvio Berlusconi, a way out of trouble, by the abandonment of the Church, could overwhelm the destination. An excellent opportunity to represent themselves as a power that the difficulties would not have given up show - with the dossier, intimidation, soon to hit Napolitano, Fini, the Constitutional Court - the sheer violence it contains.

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"way" is an annual event on Welfare organized by Gruppo Abele
, Free and CNCA in Terni, until Sunday
The "three-day" Social Policy:
The "three-day" social policies on poverty, prisons full and moonlighting
ROME - On the table, Gruppo Abele, Free and CNCA (Coordination host) have already prepared the material on which you put to discuss for three days, as of this morning until Sunday. The appointment of the Terni Palatennistavolo for the fourth edition of "Along The Way", the annual meeting that takes stock of social policies in Italy and tries to imagine new models of welfare. Three days of discussions with seven working groups, over 1000 members and 70 rapporteurs. Announced the participation of personalities from politics to the forefront: Pierluigi Bersani, Fabio Granata (finiano the PDL), Maria Rita Lorenzetti (President of the Umbria Region), Nichi Vendola, Paolo Ferrero, Livia Turkish ... And lawyers, economists, sociologists.

The widespread idea of \u200b\u200ba country fair. There will be time to talk about the ideas and many will be to reflect on and discuss. Research and diagrams from which start the discussion, ruthlessly sketch the outlines of an Italy with a lowered threshold of social vulnerability so to spread among young people aged 16 to 30 years, the certainty of living in a country that does not guarantee everyone the same routes, where rules are there, but do not apply to all the way down. And where only 10% of those who become unemployed are covered by subsidies, so that 1.6 million workers have no support in case of dismissal.

Old and new poor. The Bank of Italy tells us that 2 million and 600 thousand people are employed, among them are also calculated in the unemployed become so discouraged that work did not even try anymore. Absolute poverty concerns 5% of population, approximately 2 million and 900 thousand people, people who are unable to purchase goods and services deemed essential to a minimally acceptable standard of living. No less serious is the condition in the "fence" of the so-called "relative poverty", inhabited by about 2 million people living just above the threshold: € 50 more than the poor themselves.

Social spending under the EU average. The "social card" Tremonti has had little impact, both on absolute poverty, rather than those relating to: a decline in family "absolutely poor" by just 0.4%. The set of measures of the government than the poor is 192 million euro, but it would take 3, 86 billion. Without equal 100 to the arithmetic mean of per capita expenditure of the EU15, the Italian has reduced over 84% in '97 to 77% in 2006.

The collapse of the prisons. In cells of Italian prisons are crammed 20,000 people in more than they might contain. In this objective data, which for him is the source of inhuman and degrading situations, there is also a culture of outdated and inappropriate prison sentence, far away from the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial reintegration and recovery, and increasingly spoiled by the concept of revenge revenge on society and who was wrong. Among the data available to those who participate in the "three-days" of Terni, there are examples of prison Favignana, a small facility with 148 inmates, with the distinction of being totally below ground. And the example, chilling and now famous, Poggioreale hosting more than twice as many people may stay: more than 2700 people.

Who is behind bars. 46% of prisoners (about 30 000 people) is in custody, that is awaiting trial. Of these, 77.5% are foreigners, of whom almost half (30%) ends up behind bars for transgressions that have to do with immigration laws. In prisons are fewer people serving long sentences, the number is growing, on the contrary, those who are serving sentences of up to three years and may access to alternative measures.

suicides. The record year of 2009, with 72 prisoners who have committed suicide in prison, is now behind us. But in 2010 - so to speak - looking good: in the first 15 days of January, six people have already decided to do away with their lives in jail. Over the past 10 years have been to kill in 1560.

Unemployment and low wages. Istat tells us that in Italy the unemployed are 8, 5% of workers: 1, 5% more than last year. Among young people aged 15 to 24 years, the unemployed made up 26% in the EU the same as it stops at 21%. The Italian wages are among the lowest in Europe. With salaries 17% below the average of the OECD. There are approximately 13 million Italian workers earning less than € 1,300 net per month and about 6.9 million, will take less than € 1,000. The income of working families and employees fell by € 1,700 from 2000 to 2008. In response, professionals and entrepreneurs have instead increased their incomes by more than 9,000 €. Even better is going to managers: their fees have grown by 38%.

Undeclared work is worth 92 billion. The number of illegal workers is close to 3 million, 12% of the national workforce. The estimated value of the "hidden" amounts to 92.6 billion euro. Half the people are employed in the South with the primacy of the Calabria with 15%. Followed by Sicily (12.7%), Campania (12.2%), Basilicata and Sardinia with 11, 7%.

by Republic