Saturday, October 23, 2010

Laptop To Polaroid Tv


possesività I want to emphasize the lack of my dogs .....
are at 10 days after the onset of menstruation Wendy .... for now everything goes well, run and play with peace of mind, Wendy begins to lift the tail, which means "high alert", but apart from the pneumonia that will take control in the garden .... everything under control and everything goes very quietly.
A hydronium is granted every two weeks (fat ed), so last night and very good delivery of the precious gift .... strictly in their own kennel, open you munch your bone .... then Clouseau exits, leaving them to come and thank me and getting two pampering ....
also Wendy ... But that comes with the bone in the mouth, the spring and drop it on the floor ...
Clouseau turns him and damn fast, but Wendy saw him in the kennel and splashes of Clouseau and take the other bone of course ..... laughter ....
At 22.30 hours of sleep, and delivery of the bones away in kennel .... night
This morning after the meals and cuddling and playing rite .... I give him the bones out and eat it .... Wendy Clouseau in the kennel ...
and Wendy falls again leaving the bone in the garden, Clouseau goes out leaving the bone in his kennel, Wendy plunges bone that runs inside the kennel with Clouseau to catch the other ... ahahhahahh are too funny, nothing seems to be a source of dispute between them ... What


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