Email Professor Zanniello who do not see changes to make the sharing of space in the reading rooms (last email). If any manager of any reading room was rather agree with me that a division with three spaces instead of one or two would bring benefits to the readers / students and wanted to try and experiment, can 'send an email to us at a collaborative project.
Dear prof. Joseph Zanniello, good morning. My name is Francesco Barnaba and write about the article in the Corriere della Sera about the mixed classes or separate. Have not you can implement a mixed solution, as the images that follow, giving the possibility
FORMAL 'the student to choose the class that the more' pleases him, and taking into account the diversity 'of the different students and different emotional states of one student, so at times needs to have more 'concentration and not to see women while at other times maybe more' relaxed can 'afford to have a woman in the pews in front? Thanks
> This morning the big raves, I would say ...
> Francesco Barnaba greetings to the student (first name, boy, the name
> ever after ... and with "Reply All" it involves everyone in an address
> a dialogue between her and the professor. Zanniello) and colleagues involved in a
> interesting and urgent matter so much ;-) Have a nice day Ida Fazio
sorry, but in this model of education and women appear sco
in response to the needs of male concentration or relaxation? Sen and Nussbaum talk about "women
missing" but I thought it was a phenomenon linked to the lack of development of post-colonial countries
instead ... you never stop learning!
good job everyone
Serena - Serena Marcena
Department of Arts and Communications
University of Palermo V.le
Sciences - Edificio 15 90128 Palermo
should not confuse the different purposes of a library and a school. It 'good that libraries remain as is and that people should focus on reading books and magazines no matter who shares the room with them lettura.E' well that the school respects the different rhythms and styles of learning of the subjects male and female, and that helps to highlight their issues of gender identity through culture.
G. Zanniello
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